What Is Metaverse?

Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has changed the name of his company to "Metaverse". In short, you can also call it "Meta", but both the names of Metaverse and Facebook do not seem to be similar from anywhere, then why did the company choose such a name? After all, what does this metaverse mean? 

We will explain in easy language, the metaverse, which you can also call the virtual world. Through this technology, you will be able to enter the digital world i.e. a parallel world, through virtual identity. Where you will have a different identity. In that parallel world, you will be able to roam, buy goods, meet your friends and relatives. You will be able to do shopping, just like a video game. You must have played, heard or seen the GTA 5 video game. In the same way the meta verse will work. 

By the way, before Metaverse, Facebook had announced that it would publish financial results for Augmented and Virtual Reality separately and would invest several billion dollars in its project Meta Verse. The reason behind this is being told that the advertising business of Facebook is decreasing. By the way, you already know that metaverse concept is becoming very popular in technology and business. 

Metaverse is a very long term. In this parallel world you will be able to enter through internet. Many science fiction movies and books are built on virtual environments and on the metaverse. Right now most of the virtual space looks more like video games than real life. But after metaverse's arrival, you will be able to take the feel of the real world in the virtual. Metaverse fans consider it as the next stage of Internet development. 

Old things have changed, now people have started working from home. In such a situation, the demand for interaction has increased like in the real world. Through Metaverse, the company wants to get investments and other companies that want to be a part of the project. It may take several years to build it. The entire experience of people will change with the metaverse.

Image Sources are listed below respectfully:-
  • https://venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/article23-1.jpg?fit=1198%2C610&strip=all
  • https://media.wnyc.org/i/800/0/l/85/2021/05/On_the_Media_Metaverse.png
  • https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/0150/production/_120763300_gettyimages-1284836641-1.jpg
  • https://artlabs.ai/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/CROPPED-scaled.jpg
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